Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cookie Monster Cathie

My Mom is visiting her new grandson (let's face it, I'm old news) for two weeks. She is a great tourist. She has tried all sorts of new foods and is eager to try even more. We don't have a lot of time for touring around, but we have managed to get out for walks, lunch, and to soak in some of the local "culture". She has even managed to fit in a few sketching sessions for her art class"homework". Currently she's sitting on the couch trying to get Lukas to pose for her. He of course is a typical restless baby and is wiggling all around hindering her efforts.

Foodwise my Mom has a sweet tooth although she might deny it. Everything that she has liked the best is of the sweet nature. Obleas were the first thing she tried (two thumbs up), but she has also sampled breads from the bakery, thick caramel straight up from the spoon that Peter's cousin Yeimy brought us from Cali, and Bocadillo, which is a natural "gumdrop" made from guava paste. She also liked "Achiras" which are similar to a tiny breadstick snack, with a slight cheese flavour. Everytime she tries something new she says "oh, i'm taking some of this for Ian.." or whoever she thinks might like it best.

The best tasting incident so far though has been the "doughnut" sampling. I sent the mothers out on their own Tuesday, to change some money, and get some medicine for a slight altitude sickness Mom has. When they got back (after having spent ALL the money they changed on medicine and a cashmere sweater!) all my Mom could talk about was this "doughnut" she saw in the bakery where we buy our breads. Now I was completely puzzled, because they don't really make doughnuts in the bakery that I have seen. I assured her that we would go back and try one next time we passed by. Not good enough..for 24 whole hours she kept talking about her doughnut, how she wanted to try the doughnut, that the doughnut looked soooo good, that she had to have the doughnut!! (how many doughnuts do you guys eat in Canada anyways? it was like a withdrawal episode..)

Finally she wore me down yesterday afternoon and we went to the bakery to buy the freakin doughnut... and ended up buying not only the doughnut but also two of every cookie in the top row of the baker shelves! It is not a doughnut, it's a "churro".. same concept as a doughnut, deep fried, circular and sprinkled with sugar but because this is Colombia it is of course filled with caramel! She really liked it (thank goodness!) so it was well worth the wait and badgering. The cookies were a hit too, and we will go back to buy the second row of the bakers shelf and see how we make out!

Here's a picture of Cookie Monster Cathie with her Churro in hand! Doesn't she have that sugar high smile now? Oh and she had cookies for breakfast this morning too! :O)

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