Happy Birthday Grandpa Moulton!!
Mommy bought me a "Lexus"! That's what model our fun new stroller is! It has three big rubber wheels for easy riding on the sidewalks/streets here, which are often uneven and full of holes. I really like my Lexus. Now when we go for walks I can see all the trees and cars and people passing. I like the supermarket with all the colours and smells. I still like my SproutPouch when I am feeling like cuddling, but the Lexus makes me feel like a prince in a chariot! (pictures to follow, this dang site won't let Mom upload pictures today)
Today I had my two month checkup! Once again I passed with flying colours.. not that there was a test or anything. I am perfectly within the normal range for head circumference and height, but exceed expectations when it comes to weight. I weigh in at 12 lbs 5 oz. I am an enthusiastic eater! People here go on and on about how I'm gonna have to go on a diet (AS IF) but Mom's pretty sure I'll slim out once I start to walk. Her and Dad are pretty slim and Grandpa and Uncle Ian are so tall I'm bound to be too!
According to Mom's bible "What to Expect the First Year" there are monthly things that "Your Baby May Be Doing".. let's see what I am doing!
By two months I should be able to:
Smile in response to my Mom's smile - Yes I can!
Respond to a bell in some way, quieting, crying etc - Yes!
I will probably be able to:
Vocalize in ways other than crying - Yes I can coo and babble away
On my stomach, lift my head 45 degrees - Yes
May even be able to:
Hold head steady when upright - Yes, but briefly
On stomach, raise chest, supported by arms - Yes
Roll Over - Not yet
Grasp a rattle held to backs of hands - Not yet
Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin - Yes
Reach for an object - Mom's not sure if this is voluntary or not, but I do like to bat at things I love
Say "Ah goo" or similar - yes